Big congratulations to my fellow students who also achieved certification - I know how hard we all worked for this!
When I signed up for a CST workshop in 2020, I thought craniosacral would be another tool in the kit - another thing to reach for when horses had issues in their poll, for example. What I didn't realize then is that CST isn't just another modality to add to the list. Instead, it turned my existing methods on their head and brought powerful changes to how I approach equine therapy (and healing in general, including my own). Because I chose to go back into study and pursue certification, my understanding of CST and my palpation skills have developed and expanded profoundly, allowing me to work with horses to a depth that I previously strived for but couldn't quite reach.
It has been amazing to look at horses through the lens of CST and realize that many of their chronic symptoms can be traced to dysfunction in the craniosacral system. As someone who has always questioned things like WHY a certain muscle group is always tight for certain horses, CST has been a guiding light to discovering these answers. Truly feeling the connectivity throughout the body, and understanding that everything is communicated through the nervous system, has given me a road map to working with horses' bodies that allows for significant support and positive change.
CST may focus on the craniosacral system (the bones of the cranium and the pelvis, the spinal column, the attaching membranes, the cerebrospinal fluid, and the central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems), but it truly is a method of addressing the whole body and state of being.
Acquiring certification is an accomplishment that I'm proud of but is by no means the end of my education in this area. There is always still so much to learn, and I'm excited to continue to deepen my understanding of the mysteries of equine bodies.
A massive thank-you to Alexa Linton and Elisse Miki (and guest instructors) for sharing your expertise and building this incredible course!